There is a man who graduated high school, college, and taught high school English and Social Studies for 19 years all without knowing how to read.
His name is John Corcoran, and today he is an American author. Until he was 48, his reading comprehension was only about that of a second grade level. He wasn’t discovered throughout his entire education and 29 years of his career.
Because he was one of six children, his parents were too overwhelmed to notice he had trouble reading. At school, he was assigned to the “dumb row,” but because of other disciplinary issues, teachers often forgot about his reading difficulties. He attended two junior colleges after graduating high school, and eventually went to and graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso.
He managed a bachelor’s degree in Education and Business administration thanks to his athletic scholarship and aggressive cheating. For his first job as a high school teacher, Corcoran had his students write their names on a seating chart and pronounce them for him daily.
Because his literacy had only fallen since second grade, he couldn’t even tell one name from the next. After 17 years of teaching, followed by ten years as a real estate developer, he decided it was time to learn to read. Since then, he has become a spokesman for literacy programs and has even started his own foundation devoted to reading.
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