The band Buckcherry issued a press release blaming pirates for leaking their music. After investigation, it was found that Buckcherry leaked it themselves.

The band Buckcherry issued a press release blaming pirates for leaking their music. After investigation, it was found that Buckcherry leaked it themselves.

The first single from Buckcherry’s 2008 album “Black Butterlfy” called “Too drunk…” was leaked through BitTorrent. The program is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used to distribute large amounts of data over the Internet. It is one of the most common file sharing programs there is on the Internet today. 

Right after the song was leaked, the band put the blame on Internet pirates in a press release. They lamented on how much they hated things like this happening, because they wanted their fans to receive their music first. Wait, there is more! The site TorrentFreak investigated Buckcherry’s claim. 

The IP address that uploaded the song had only uploaded that one song. They used WikiScanner to find that the IP address matched the address of a recent updater of Buckcherry’s Wikipedia page. 

They emailed Josh Klemme, the band’s manager and found it to be the same as the Wikipedia page updater. TorrentFreak came to the conclusion that they had leaked their own song for publicity’s sake. 


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