Rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard saved the life of a 4-year-old.
Russell Tyrone Jones is an American rapper, better known by the nickname Ol’ Dirty Bastard. He was originally part of the Wu-Tang Clan, but then went on to be a solo artist.
He is well known for using profanity in his music and for many arrests. Despite his infamy for robbing and connections to murders, Jones did save a 4-year-old who was hurt in a car accident. It was February 1988 when Jones was recording in his Brooklyn studio and saw the crash out his studio window.
He wasted no time in rushing out to save a little girl hurt in the crash. Jones, his friend, and several other people who had come to the scene managed to lift the car and save the girl. They had to lift a 1996 Ford Mustang to make the rescue.
The girl was badly burned, and admitted to the hospital with first and second degree burns. Jones made a point of visiting the girl under a false name until the media caught wind of his visits and he stopped going to see the girl.
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