A teen is facing 38 years in prison for changing his grades.

A teen is facing 38 years in prison for changing his grades.

Two high school seniors, Omar Khan and Tanvir Singh broke into their high school, Tesoro High School, in order to change their grades. Omar Khan who is being charged with 69 felonies could get up to 38 years in prison, while Singh with many fewer counts could get up to 3 years of prison time.

Khan is a repeat offender, and is being charged for altering and stealing public records, computer fraud, burglary, identify theft and receiving stolen property and conspiracy.  Singh was unfortunate to get caught on a try with Khan.

Khan allegedly hacked into the school system and repeatedly changed his grades. He got caught after he asked for a transcript. Teachers knew him as an average student, so they became suspicious when he suddenly had all As. 

In the process Singh was also caught. He asked Khan's help in stealing a copy of a test that he hadn't studied for. He hadn't done the readings necessary and he decided to steal the test the night before. 


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