The President of Indonesia has released 3 pop albums while in office.

The President of Indonesia has released 3 pop albums while in office.

Susilo Banbang Yudhoyono has been president of Indonesia since 2004. Widely known in Indonesia by his initials SBY, he is now completing his second term in office. Before he was ever President, or even involved in politics, SBY was a musician and was heavily involved in the music scene. 

He was once part of a band called Gaya Teruna, even. In the late Aughties (2000-2009), he started rekindling his interest in music, despite already being in office. Three years after he was sworn in, he released his first ever music album. 

In English, it is called My Longing For You, and is a collection of ten love ballads and religious songs. Many of the country’s popular singers performed on the album. In 2009, he joined musician Yockie Suryoprayogo and formed the duo “Yockie and Susilo.” 

The two released an album called Evolusi. In 2010, he released his third album, "I’m Certain I’ll Make It." Is it awesome or unprofessional? Well, that’s for you to decide. 

It’s worth noting that there have been presidents who have done much worse with their free time than compose music. But really, could a guy who rocks a Peci fez that hard be blamed for making music? 


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