Nazi death camps installed brothels to increase prisoner productivity and provide “therapy” for homosexuals.
You may remember from school that Hitler also had it out for homosexuals and prostitutes. In the concentration camps, the SS apparently tried to use one to remedy the other, as they saw it.
It’s certainly a disturbing thing to reveal, and might seem strange that the Nazis would spend so much energy and resources on it. But then again, these are the people who tried teaching dogs to read, write, and talk, so it’s not exactly the craziest thing they did.
The idea at first was that having brothels in the camps would give prisoners the incentive to work together, but ultimately there was no proof that it did so. This was mostly because the prisoners were too emaciated and too weary and tired of the various SS schemes.
The ones who actually took advantage of the brothels the most were the Kapos, prisoners who were assigned to supervise forced labor. In addition, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, tried using the brothels as a means of “therapy” to teach the pink triangle (homosexual) prisoners “the joys of the opposite sex.”
It’s been reported that all pink triangle prisoners were forced to visit the brothels once per week.
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